
It is amazing the impact a honey bee can have on a community. Beekeeping is a long-term sustainable income producer and can produce revenue in any economy.

About Us

Educating people in the art of beekeeping is our passion. We like to focus on the next generation of beekeepers. Especially women and youth groups.

Hire Us

We are a Florida based 501- C3 doing training, education and apiculture inspections throughout the Caribbean. Let us know your needs on beekeeping. Contact us for prices of missions.

An effective low cost alternative bee hive.

Haitian Top Bar Hives

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Why Honey Bees?

Basic content here about bees, bee tools and whatever other content that should be displayed here to help the visitor.

Table of Contents
Honey Bees
Queen Bees
Hive Box Types
Honey Bee Biology

Help support the effort AND donate now.
We are a 501-C3 charity. All donations are tax deductible.
