Pictured from left to right; Chris Glochau, Dave Hall and Martha Yamnitz

Our Story

What started out as researching beekeeping quickly became a passion for us. So, we purchased our first two Nucs. As soon as we had the bees settled into their new homes we were hooked! As a result, we purchased our third Nuc the following week. A chance encounter afforded us an opportunity to keep some of our honey bees at a large nursery and three weeks later we placed four more hives at that location.

Meanwhile, the bees are doing what they do and we are left with a lot of sweet local honey from St. Augustine to share with our friends, neighbors, and visitors to the Nation’s Oldest City.

Our Beekeepers

Dave Hall Bee Augustine Honey Co.
Dave Hall
President, St. Johns County Beekeepers Association

(904) 540-9962

Martha Yamnitz

(904) 501-9043

Chris Glochau Bee Augustine Honey Co.
Chris Glochau

(904) 814-1131

local honey bee hives

Our Apiaries

the latest buzz from

Our Timeline
